Health Insurance

Health insurance or medical insurance is a type of insurance that covers the whole or a part of the risk of a person incurring medical expenses. With the rising cost of medical expenses, access to good medical facility and hospitalisation costs can be financially strenuous. Therefore, getting a health insurance cover for yourself and your family can provide the added protection you need.

Opting for a health insurance early in life has numerous benefits. Since you are young and healthier, you can avail plans at lower rates and the advantage will continue even as you grow older. Additionally, you will be offered more extensive coverage options. Most policies have a pre-existing waiting period which excludes coverage of pre-existing illnesses. This period will end while you are still young and healthy, thus giving you the advantage of exhaustive coverage that will prove useful if you fall ill later in life.

By buying a suitable health insurance policy, you can better manage your medical expenditure without dipping into your savings. When you buy health insurance, the insurance provider guarantees to cover expenses that you incur for medical treatments and hospitalization due to an illness or injury. An excellent health insurance policy takes care of hospitalization charges like costs of medical tests, X-ray, diagnostic imaging, doctor consultation fees, medicines, room rent, nursing expenses, all day care treatments, surgeon, anesthetist, anesthesia, blood, oxygen, operation theatre charges, ICU charges, surgical appliances, dialysis, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, cost of pacemaker, stent, post-hospitalization care and similar expenses. The medical care provider is paid directly by the insurance company if there is a tie-up between the insurance company and the medical care provider (Network Hospital). In case there is no tie-up (Non-Network Hospital), you may have to pay yourself at first, and the insurance company reimburses you later.

A health insurance policy is an essential requirement in today's fast-paced lifestyle. A robust health insurance policy can help you through those difficult times keeping your finances intact. Secure yourself and your family.